Welcome to the best stump removal service on the coast! Spring is in full swing, a perfect time to tidy up the garden and give it a bit of love and care. Removing unwanted shrubbery, pruning trees; not to mention removing tree stumps not only enhances the aesthetics of space but also assists in minimising pests over the summer months. At Gold Coast Stump Grinders we encourage our customers to use the left-over wood chips from removed stumps to dress their garden beds. Depending on the size of the stump removal, you may end up with a large pile of wood chips, don’t throw them in your green bin!
As long there have been trees, there has been naturally occurring mulch underneath them nurturing the ground and providing nutrients. So why not use your pile of wood chips to cultivate and nourish your garden?
Nature knows best right? That’s why we wanted to talk about the many benefits of mulching with wood chips after stump grinding has taken place!
Using your newly acquired wood chips benefits the environment, by spreading it on your garden beds and letting it slowly decompose instead of sending your grinded stump to landfill.
Easy to Use
Wood chip mulch is easy to use, it can be spread around your plants easily and won’t be blown away by the wind causing; a mess to clean up. It is also easy to remove if required.
Extra Love
When the wood chips start to decay and no longer look great, you can transfer it to your compost or easily work it into the soil for extra nutrients. In readiness to preparing your garden bed for a new lot of mulch.
Moister Retention
Wood chips are great for moister retention in the soil, which is extremely beneficial up here on the Gold Coast in the hot summer months. By applying a layer 2 inches thick you can drastically reduce the moister evaporation from the soil.
Weed Control
Weed control is a big plus when is comes to using wood chips from a tree stump that has been recently removed. Those pesky weeds have a hard time poking up under a layer of wood chips.
Size Matters
The wood chips that come from stump grinding vary in sizes, therefore they break down and decompose at different rates, this create a diverse environment for organisms in the soil.
Temperature Control
Using wood chip mulch will block the sun keeping the soil cool in those hot summer months on the Gold Coast.
Our stump removal service has more than one benefit! Happy mulching!
Contact us at Gold Coast Stump Grinders…
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